Ah. Chope has a history of Climate Change scepticism and voting against any measures to do something about it.
Here is the main body of text from a letter sent to me (Lorna):
“Thank you for your recent email calling for the declaration of a climate emergency. The United Kingdom needs to adapt to climate change. However, because we contribute less than 1% of total global emissions of greenhouse gasses, the UK is powerless to achieve climate change unilaterally. Unilateral action, which would impoverish our people, undermine our economy and force higher energy costs on the least well off would be utter folly. The UK has taken a commendable lead in the debate. Our emissions are already at their lowest since 1888. Other countries need to follow our lead before we impose further burdens upon ourselves” – Christopher Chope MP, May 2019
Many people feel that this lack of action - or celebration of inaction is extremely dangerous. See also:
and his campaign against the Nauvitas Wind Farm: https://www.bournemouthecho.co.uk/news/13714430.navitus-bay-wind-farm-plans-rejected-by-government/