Press and Impact so far....
So far we've had a great start to our campaign. We can't thank people enough for sharing and liking and commenting.
Not everyone can be Arron Banks so we have made everything for under £50. We think that ALL of us can be involved in politics if you've enough energy and a desire to change things for the better. The chairs are already proving a big hit in our town - and they’re far more eye-catching than the usual billboards and placards. We’re encouraging people to vote for any of the other local constituency candidates.
Our original post has been shared hundreds and hundreds of times on facebook and twitter and lots of people are posting about our Safe Seats in different ways. You can track some of it using the #nopetochope hashtag or link to it on Facebook here:
On twitter here:
Or follow us on instagram @gobbledegooktheatre. We nearly created new campaign address for all our social media accounts, but it felt like an uphill struggle to start getting new followers, so we've taken over Lorna's (Gobbledegook Theatre) for the election campaign, after which normal service will resume.
However, we did create this blog, and its fantastic redirect address
We've featured in our local print press, online links here:
and in the Dorset Eye:
And we've had plenty of support from some of our heroes; good wishes and messages from author Neil Gaiman, comedian and campaigner Mark Thomas, activist Gina Martin and writer Scarlett Curtis and the Pink Protest campaign to name just a few.
Christchurch Chairs Against Chope is a small bunch of usually very cheerful constituents who’ve become furious and exasperated with the behaviour of our MP, who represents Christchurch on our behalf.